Istilah Islam and Agama (Terms Used in Islam and Religion)
Indonesia | English |
Abadi/Kekal | Eternal |
Ahli Kitab | people of the book |
Akhirat | Hereafter |
Alim / Taqwa | Piety |
Aliran | Streams |
Aliran | Syncretic/Syncretism |
Amalan | Deed |
Amarah | Anger |
Ampunan | forgiveness |
Api Neraka | Hell fire |
Ayat | Verse |
Azab | Punishment |
Azan | Call to Prayer / First call to Shalat |
Baitul Mal | House of Money / House of Wealth |
Batal | Nulify/invalidate |
Berakal Sehat | Sane |
Berdoa | Praying |
Bergegas | To Hasten |
Berkhotbah/Berdakwah | Preach |
Buka Puasa (Iftar) | Break the fast |
Bulan Ramadhan | Fasting month |
Cendikiawan | Intellectual Scholar |
Da’i | preacher |
Dakwah | preaching |
Doa | Prayer |
Dosa | Sin |
Dusta | Falsehood |
Fardu | Obligatory |
Fardu a’in | Obligatory on Individuals |
Fardu Kifayah | Obligatory on the community |
Fiqh | Islamic jurisprudence/law |
Ganjaran/Pahala | Reward |
Godaan | Temptation |
Hadith | Books of Tradition |
Haji | Pilgrimage |
Hal yang membatalkan | Invalidates |
Halal | Permitted |
Hamba | Servant |
Harakat | Vowel |
Haram | Prohibited or forbidden |
Hisab | Computation |
IAIN | State Institute for Islamic Studies |
Ibadah | Worship/Worshipful |
Ikhlas | Sincere |
Ilahi | Divine |
Iman | Faith |
Injil | Gospell |
Iqamat | Second call to Shalat |
Jamak | Shorten or Combine Prayers |
Jin | Demon/ jinn |
Kalam Ilahi | Divine Book |
Kejujuran | Honesty |
Kerukunan/Komuni | Communion |
Keselamatan | Salvation |
Ketakwaan/Kesalehan | Piety |
Keyakinan | Faith |
Kiai/Ulama | Religious scholars |
Kurma | Dates |
Laylatul Qadr | The Night Power |
Madzhab | Thought |
Maha tinggi/ta’ala | Almighty |
Majelis | Assembly/Council |
Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) | Indonesia Council of Ulama |
Makhluk | Creature |
Makruh | Discourage |
Maksiat | Immorality |
Malaikat | Angel |
Manusia | Mankind |
Masbuq | Late Joiner |
Masjid | Mosque |
Masuk Agama Lain | to Convert |
Melarang | Prohibit |
Memaafkan | Forgiveness |
Membatalkan | Nulify |
Mengangungkan/ Meninggikan/mulia | exalt |
Mengutus | to ordain |
Menyebarkan | Proselytizing |
Mubah | Permitted |
Mubaligh | Preacher |
Munafik/Kemunafikan | Hypocrisy |
Mustahab | Encouraged |
Nabi/Rasul | Prophet |
Neraka | Hell |
Niat | Intention |
Paksaan/Keterpaksaan | Compulsion |
Penyesalan | Remorseful |
Perintah | Command |
Perisai/tameng/ Pelindung/penyelamat | Shield |
Perpindahan Agama | Conversion |
Pertimbangan/ Permusyawaratan | Deliberaton
Petunjuk | Guidance |
Pilar/Fondasi | Pillars |
Puasa | Fasting |
Qurban | Sacrifing |
Rahmat | Blessing/Mercy |
Rasa Syukur | Gratitude |
Rasul/Utusan | Mesengger |
Rezeki | Sustenance |
Ridha | Pleasure |
Ruku’ | Bowing |
Rukun | Pillars |
Rusak/merugikan | Harm |
Sajadah | Prayer mat |
Sakral | Sacred |
Salat/doa | Prayer |
Saleh/Bertaqwa | Righteous |
Sedekah | Alms |
Sederhana | Moderation |
Sesat/menyimpang | Deviate |
Shalat | Prayer |
Shalat Berjamaah | Congregational Shalat |
Shalat Jamaah | Congregational Shalat |
Shalat Jenazah | Funeral Shalat |
Shalat Wajib | Obligatory Shalat |
Shalat Wajib Lima Waktu | Five Daily Obligatory Shalat |
Sirik | Shirk (act of associating partner with Allah) |
STAIN | State College for Islamic Studies |
Suci | Holy |
Sujud | Prostrate |
Sujud | prostrating |
Sunnah | His (Muhammad pbuh) Life-Example |
Surga | Heaven / Paradise |
Taat Beragama | Being Religious |
Takjub | Awe |
Taqwa | Faith/ Piety |
Taurat | Torah |
Tayamum | dry ablution |
Tidak Sah | Invalid |
Tobat | Repentance |
Tobatan Nasuha | Sincere Repentance |
Tuhan | God |
UIN | State Islamic University |
Warisan/Pewarisan | Inheritance |
Wahyu | revelation |
Wudhu | Ablution/take wudhu |
Zabur | Psalms |
Zakat /Sedekah | Alms |
Zikir | Praises |
Example of Senteces :
- Amar Ma’ruf nahi mungkar : enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil
- Love of God, The Prophet and The Faith
- Shalat is the most loved deed by Allah
- Every Good Muslim prays five times a day and does fasting during the month of ramadhan
- Break your fast with dates or water
- Muslim break their fast (iftar) at the call to evening (maghrib) prayer
- Adhan (the call to prayer) is a call to the believers to hasten to worship Allah The Exalted
- Muslim performs five prayers daily at specified times :
- Dawn (before sunrise, Subuh), mid-day (zohor), late afternoon (Ashar),Just after sunset (Maghrib), and nightfall (isya)
- Never miss your prayer
Source ; adapted from various sources (AY/(K/EN-001)