Istilah Sosiologi (Terms used in Sociology )
Indonesia | English |
Adat Istiadat | Custom |
Adiksi | Addiction |
Akulturasi | Acculturation |
Apatis | Apathetic |
Arbitrasi | Arbitration |
Asimilasi | Assimilation |
Aturan | Rules |
Aturan yang tegas | firm rules |
Bentuk | Form |
Budaya | Culture |
Cara | Usage |
Celaan | Denunciation |
Ciri | Features |
Ciri Masyarakat | Features of Society |
Ciri Sosiologi | Features of Sociology |
Cemoohan | Mockery /Insult |
Desas-desus | Rumor |
Esensi | Essence |
Etika | Ethic |
Fradulens | Fraudulence |
Fakta Sosal | Social Fact |
Fenomena Sosial | Social Phenomena |
Gejala Kemasyarakatan | Social Phenomena |
Gotong Royong | Community Self-Help |
Gosip | Gossip |
Hubungan Sosial | Social Relationship |
Hukuman | Punishment |
Identitas | Identity |
Interaksi (Pergaulan) | Interact |
Intimidasi | Intimidation |
Keajekan | Constancy |
Kebiasaan | Custom / Folkways |
Kejahatan | Criminality |
Kelompok | Group |
Keluarga | Family |
Kemiskinan | Poorness |
Kepribadian | Personality |
Kerjasama | Cooperation |
Kerukunan | Harmony |
Kesadaran | Awareness |
Keteraturan | Orderliness |
Keyakinan | Conviction |
Komunitas | Community |
Kompromi | Compromise |
Konflik | Conflict |
Kontrak Sosial | Social Contract |
Kooperasi | Cooperation |
Kooptasi | Cooptation |
Konformitas | Conformity |
Lawan | Foe |
Lembaga Hukum | law agencies |
Lembaga Sosial | Social Institution |
Makhluk Sosial | Social Creature |
Manusia | Man / human beings |
Masyarakat | Society |
Mediasi | Mediation |
Memaksa | Coercive |
Menyimpang | Deviation |
Motivasi | Motivation |
Nilai | Value |
Nilai Sosial | Social Value |
Norma | Norm |
Norma Agama | Religious Norm |
Norma Kesopanan | Ethical Norm |
Norma Kelaziman | Customary Norm |
Norma Kesusilaan | Moral Norm |
Norma Hukum | The Law Norm |
Pantangan | Taboo |
Pemaksaan | Coercion |
Pelanggaran | Violation |
Pencegahan | anticipatory |
Pengangguran | Unemployment |
Pengaruh | Influence |
Pengendalian Sosial | Social Control |
Peperangan | War |
Peran | Role |
Pervasi | Pervasion |
Perilaku | Behavior / Action |
Perilaku Sosial | Social Action |
Perilaku Menyimpang | Deviant Behavior/ aberrant behavior |
Persatuan | Unity |
Persuasif | Persuasive |
Perubahan Sosial | Social Change |
Pola | Pattern |
Sanksi | Sanction |
Sifat | Character |
Sikap | Attitude |
Simpati | Sympathy |
Sosialisasi | Socialization |
Status Sosial | Social Status |
Sugesti | Suggestion |
Suku Bangsa | Race |
Tata Kelakuan | Mores |
Tatanan Sosial | Social Order |
Teguran | Warning |
Teman | Friend/Companion |
Tertib Sosial | Social Order |
Timbal Balik | Reciprocal |
Tindakan | Action |
Tindakan Afektif | Affective Action |
Tindakan Sosial | Social Action |
Toleransi | Toleration/Tolerance |
Tolong-menolong | Mutual Assistance |
Tradisi | Tradition |
Example of Sentences :
- Every man in his social life will have to interact to other people
- The study of society firstly developed and emerged as a branch of science named sociology in Europe
- Sociology studies society and social action by examining the groups and social institutions people form, as well as family, race, community, government, various social, religious, business, and other organizations.
- Human beings who live together with two people as a minimal
- Human as social creature is impossible to live alone
- The main stock of the science is philosophy
- Sociology comes from latin, “socius” which means “companion” and logos which means “word” or “logos”
Source ; adapted from various sources (AY/(K/EN-002)