Istilah Perhotelan (Terms Used in Hotel/Hospitality)
Indonesia | English |
AC | Air conditioner |
Agenda/Daftar perjalanan/acara | itinerary |
Aula | hall |
Barang berharga | value thing |
Bathtub | bathtub |
Balkon | balcony |
Bawakan | bring |
Berlaku | applicable |
Biaya | Rate /price |
Biaya Kamar | Room rate/price |
Brosur | brochure |
Bungkus | wrap |
Cek ulang | reconfirm |
Cocok | matching |
Denda | Charge |
Denda pembatalan | cancellation fee |
Dikenakan | Charge |
Dunia perhotelan | hospitality |
Fasilitas | facilities |
Gazebo | gazebo |
Gratis | free |
Handuk | towel |
Harga Pas | fixed price/ set |
Hotel Bintang Empat | four star hotel |
Hotel Bintang Tiga | three star hotel |
Jam Operasional | operational hours |
Jenis | kind |
Kamar | Room |
Kamar dengan satu ranjang | Single room |
Kamar dua ranjang | Twin bedded room |
Kamar hotel mewah | suite room |
Kamar mandi dalam | indoor bathroom |
Kamar mandi luar | outdoor bathroom |
Kamar standar | standard room |
Kartu prabayar | prepaid card |
Kendaraan | vehicle |
Kipas angin | fan |
Kolam renang | swimming pool |
Kondisi | condition |
Konfirmasi ulang | reconfirmation |
Koper | suitcase |
Kunci kamar | room key |
Kunjungan | inspection/visit |
Kupon | coupon |
Kurs terkini | current rate of exchange |
Layanan | service |
Layanan Kamar | room service |
Lift | Elevator |
Listrik padam | electricity shutdown |
Lobi | lobby |
Lobi utama | main lobby |
Loket Pemesanan Taksi | taxi counter |
Makanan | food/meal |
Makan Malam | Dinner |
Makan Pagi | Breakfast |
Makan Siang | Lunch |
Masukkan kunci | insert the key |
Membayar | pay |
Menagih | Charge |
Menerima | receive |
Mengantar | escort |
Menggunakan | use |
Menghubungi | contact |
Menginap | stay |
Mengisi form | fill the form |
Menjemput | pick up |
Menyebutkan , Mencantumkan | Quote |
Menyemprot | spray |
Mesin penerima | answering machine |
Minuman | beverage/drink |
Mudah dijangkau | accessible |
Paket | packages |
Pelayan | waiter |
Pemandangan | view |
Pembatalan | cancelation |
Pemberitahuan Sebelumnya | prior notice |
Pemberitahuan | notice |
Pemesanan | reservations |
Penuh | fully booked |
Pesan | message |
Pesan | order |
Pijat | massage |
Pintu depan | entrance |
Pojok | corner |
Potongan harga | discount |
Puncak liburan | peak |
Resepsionis | Receptionist |
Reservasi | Reservation/booking |
Restoran | Restaurant |
Ruang rapat | meeting room |
Sajian utama | main course |
Sambungan | line |
Saran | Advise |
Selimut | blanket |
Sewa | rent, charter |
Surat Kehilangan | Lost & Found report |
Tagihan Pelunasan | commercial invoice |
Tagihan uang muka | Proforma Invoice |
Tagihan | invoice |
Taman | garden |
Tarif, Harga | tariff , rate |
Teras | terrace |
Termasuk | inclusive/include |
Tersedia | Available |
Tidak bisa ditarik | Irrevocable |
Tingkat | floor |
Tip | Tip/ tipping |
Tunai | cash |
Tunduk/Terikat pada | Subject to |
Turun tangga | down step |
Villa | villa |
Example of sentences :
- The Lobby is surrounded by beautiful garden
- The rate of standard room in Hotel Indonesia is US $ 100,00 per night per room
- All these service are subjected to general conditions
- The rate is applicable from January 2017 until December 2017
- All rates quoted in this tariff is in US $ and based on the current rate of exchange
- Cancellation fees are not charged, but depending on circumstances
Source ; adapted from various sources (AY/(K/EN-003)