Istilah Komoditas Unggulan (Terms Used in Featured Commodity)
Indonesia | English |
Perikanan | Fishery |
Perkebunan | Plantation |
Pertanian | Agricultural |
Peternakan | Livestock |
Pertanian | Agricultural |
Jagong | Corn |
Kacang hijau | Green beans |
Kacang Tanah | Peanuts |
Kedelai | Soybean |
Padi | Paddy |
Padi Ladang | Paddy fields |
Padi Sawah | Rice paddy |
Ubi Jalar | Sweet potato |
Ubi Kayu | Cassava |
Sayuran | Vegetable |
Bawang merah | Red onion |
Bawang Putih | Garlic |
Cabe | Chili |
Cabe besar | Great Chili |
Kacang Panjang | Long beans |
Kangkung | Kale |
Kentang | Potato |
Kubis | Cabbage |
Terong | Eggplant |
Tomat | Tomato |
Wortel | Carrot |
Buah-buahan | Fruits |
Alpukat | Avocado |
Durian | Durian |
Jambu biji | Guava |
Jeruk | Orange |
Jeruk siam | Tangerine |
Mangga | Mango |
Merksiah | Passion fruit |
Nenas | Pineapple |
Pepaya | Papaya |
Pisang | Banana |
Rambutan | Rambutan |
Peternakan | Livestock |
Ayam buras | Buras |
Chicken Ayam Pedaging | Broilers |
Ayam petelur | Laying hens |
Domba | Sheep |
Itik | Duck |
Kambing | Goat |
Kerbau | Buffalo |
Sapi | Cow |
Perkebunan | Plantation |
Aren | Sugar Palm |
Cengkeh | Clove |
Coklat | Cocoa, cacao |
Gambir | Gambir |
Karet | Rubber |
Kelapa | Coconut |
Kelapa dalam | Coconut contents |
Kelapa Sawit | Palm oil |
Kemiri | Candlenut |
Kopi | Coffee |
Kunyit | Turmeric |
Nilam | Patchouli |
Pala | Nutmeg |
Pinang | Areca nut |
Sagu | Sago |
Serai | Citronella |
Tebu | Cane |
Tembakau | Tobacco |
Perikanan | Fishery |
Kapal motor | Motor ship |
Perahu bermotor | Robin motor ship |
Perahu Motor Tempel | Boats without outboard |
Perahu tanpa motor | Boats without motors |
Perikanan laut | Marine fisheries |
Produksi ikan darat | land fish production |
Produksi ikan laut | Sea fish production |
Example of Sentences :
- Avocado plantation area spread over an estimated 600 hectares of plantation society with Total production of 16.5 tones/ha/year o total of 9,900 tons/year
- In addition, there also other commodities such as tangerines, Dutch eggplant. Passion fruit, persimmon and durian
- Rice, the major food crop is particularly important for food security. The overall demand for rice in Indonesia currently reaches 39 million tons.
- Paddy rice is a key commodity in Aceh with plantings in 439,497
- Corn is one of the main commodities in South Aceh
- Soybean is a major source for vegetable for protein and vegetable oil in the world.
Source : adapted from various sources (AY/(K/EN-014)